Easter Hike at Rockefeller State Park
Saturday, April 16th, 10am
Catch the early spring blooming. Let's get out on the trails! Time to limber and strengthen your legs.
Rockefeller State Park Parking lot:
N County Trail Parking Lot on Bedford Rd, Pleasantville, NY, 10570
Hike description: Buttermilk Hill Area is the section of Rockefeller State Park that is the field and forest ridge seen from the Stone Barns.
The trail head is on 981 Route 117. Buttermilk is bordered by Route 9A and Route 448. Driving west from the Taconic or 9A, the parking lot is on your left. Driving east on Route 117, the parking lot is on your right.
This is a relatively easy hike 6 - 7 miles with several hills.
At the end of the hike, we may have a late lunch at a local restaurant.
To join the hike, click here to register: events@SwissSkiClub.org
Mass Transit Options: