Swiss Ski Club of New York
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  • Annual Business Meeting (Members Only) - Worldwide

Annual Business Meeting (Members Only) - Worldwide

  • 27-Apr-2021
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)
  • Virtual Meeting, online or by phone

Virtual Annual Business Meeting

TUESDAY, April 27, 2021 at 7:00PM EST

This meeting is for MEMBERS ONLY

Our Annual Business Meeting, including Executive Committee elections, will be held Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 7 PM EST.

To participate please click the link found in our recent email to Members. Click  or type the link given in the email, which will take you to a web page with simple instructions. Then, shortly before 7 PM, click "Join Meeting."

It is highly recommended to test out the link well before the meeting time of 7PM in case you need to download the Cisco WebEx app, sign in, or make any updates with sufficient time before the meeting starts.

There are three ways to participate: Webex window, Web browser, or telephone. For detailed instructions, or if you don't have the Member email we sent, click here: .

Suggestion: Turn your sound on before joining the meeting to make sure that you don't have any audio playing in another tab that others will hear. 

Prefer the phone?
After you sign in, there will be the alternative of participating by phone. Scroll down on dial in details.


If any question, contact Rainer
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Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software