Because of COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines,
This is a MEMBERS ONLY event
Please see important restrictions below
Our lodge needs tender loving care to stay beautiful, and as a volunteer organization, we provide the labor ourselves. Since the lodge was closed this past winter, the work should be light, allowing more free time. If you're ready to roll up your sleeves and get down and get dirty, we can accomplish a great deal. Many hands make light work.
When our work day is done … we have fun.
Saturday will be work. We do have improvements and general maintenance we need to accomplish, then the day ends with a BBQ and party. Most of Sunday is for leisure time.
Saturday Sunday
Lodging and food are free to all participants.
We operate strictly according to the travel guidance set by the state of Vermont. Every visitor to the lodge is required to sign our waiver, and the VT Certificate of Compliance. You are required to understand and comply with the requirements of both documents. All attendees be required to sign both forms upon arrival.
When you arrive at the SSC lodge, you and anyone traveling with you must self-certify that as of the date of your arrival, you meet one of these conditions. DO NOT sign up if you do not comply with these conditions.
- Have had a negative test result within three days before arriving in Vermont. The test must be for a current infection (like a PCR test), except it cannot be an antigen test (also known as rapid test). OR
- Are authorized to work in Vermont OR
- Are fully vaccinated OR
- Have recovered from COVID-19 within the last 3 months and do not currently have any symptoms.
And you must also meet both of these conditions:
- Not had close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days AND
- Not had COVID-19-like symptoms in the past 24 hours.
All attendees must certify that they have reviewed the State of Vermont traveler guidelines and comply with current health and safety requirements for traveling to, from, and within the State of Vermont. All attendees must further certify they understand all travelers should stay home if ill (with any symptoms); maintain physical distance of at least 6’ from anyone outside their household; wear a cloth mask when in public spaces; and wash or sanitize hands often.
Capacity is limited so as to permit distancing in sleeping quarters.
Please email with any questions.
For help with carpool rides or to offer one, email Felicia, at
Lodging and food for current members for this event are free. For carpool policy and other details, see our Rates and Procedures page