Labor Day Carpool Weekend in Vermont
Sat, August 31 - Mon, Sept 2, 2019
We know you love skiing with us in the winter at our lodge, but have you seen summer in Vermont?
There’s tons to do and Mother Nature does not disappoint.
Members, friends and newcomers, let’s enjoy this last long weekend of summer!
There’s no set agenda: Do what you like. . . hike, bike, swim, and relax! Check out https://www.madrivervalley.com for more ideas.
The Nitty Gritty:
· Lunch would be on the trail, road, river, town. . . out doing whatever you are doing that day (if you decide to stay to relax at the lodge you won’t go hungry)
· Breakfast and Dinner food costs will be calculated and split at the end of the weekend.
· Lodging per night (does not include meals): $25 for members/ $35 for guests
· Carpool: $30 per passenger, one way, payable to the driver.
Please see the club website for other information about life at the lodge and about what to bring, etc. https://www.swissskiclub.org/RatesAndProcedures
For more information or questions not answered by the website, contact reservationist at events@swissskiclub.org. They will also assist you with carpooling (connecting you with drivers or riders), or others who would like to pool a car rental.
Ideas of things to do (these are just a small sampling of ideas and there are many, many, many websites you might consult):
General (includes info on hiking, biking, kayaking, etc.):
swimming holes near waitsfield vt
Fresh Food and fun on Saturday:
Special Event that weekend:
Mad River Valley Craft Fair, Sat, August 31 - Sunday, Sept 1