We'll board our luxury coach on Friday evening. There are three boarding options: Long Island, Manhattan and New Jersey. A sandwich dinner, wine and bottled water are provided on the bus ride direct to our lodge in Waitsfield, Vermont. Transportation is provided each day to Sugarbush or Stowe, depending on which has the best conditions that day. Discount Lift Ticket Vouchers are available for both Sugarbush and Stowe. We'll hold our Godi Haab Memorial Race, one of two races we hold every year, with everybody invited to participate, skier or boarder, regardless of skill level. (One of our members once snowplowed her first race, and within a few years was winning them!) Results will be announced after dinner, and you'll have lots and lots of fun before and after.
Bus Boards Friday Evening:
Early Skibird discount until December 29:
NON-Member: $369 / Member: $329
Starting December 30:
NON-Member: $409 / Member: $369
Questions? Email the reservationist, Elena, at bustrip2@SwissSkiClub.org.
For details, see Rates and Procedures or contact the reservationist.
For what to bring and more information, please see FAQs, Typical Weekend,Our Vermont Lodge, and the rest of our site.